Do you keep eggs in the refrigerator?
Do Eggs Need to be Refrigerated? The short answer is sometimes yes and sometimes no. When eggs are laid, they have a protective coating on them called "bloom" this coats the surface of the egg. This bloom seals the egg and helps to prevent bacteria from entering the very porous shell. Commercial American Eggs are federally required to be washed and sanitized with warm water at a minimum of 90F, before being sold. This removes the Bloom and allow air to break down the shell, and bacteria can enter. This is why American keep their eggs in the refrigerator - the cold environment slows down the growth of bacteria Europe has ruled out egg washing, asserting that careless washing procedures can lead to more damage than good. The EU states “an effective barrier to bacterial ingress with an array of antimicrobial properties.”. The National Library of Medicine agrees ( https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.g...