Welcome to the Crazy Lucky Farm. Starting this Blog on a whim! As a busy mother of 2 active kids and one full grown son, why not just add something else to my plate!
The hopes of my Blog is just to document our crazy life style, finding a balance for wanting to be homesteaders and being less tied to the real world- and while still having our fingers in this century.
 My story is a simple one. All started with a book
tossed in the "Free" box at our library.
This came to me at a time when I was working 60+ hours a week, all hours of the day. Was not in a healthy state of mind or body.

Five Acres and Independence

This book was first published in 1935 and was last updated in 1940.  Some of the methods are outdated. However- The past is the future.  I have always held the  1930s and 40s with some wonder and awe. The hardships people had to overcome.

 I ate it up! Wanting to know more. I realized a few things. I was not happy.  Plain and simple.

Than it dawned on me-I was looking for the simple life. Will it solve my problems? Not by a long shot! Over the  last few years- slow and steady my family and I have taken on some new challenges - some we failed and learned what not to do!  Come learn with us!


  1. Excellent job thus far, Angela. I'd be interested in some of the steps between being a chaos-ridden, commuting, crazed 60-hours a week kinda employee to working for yourself via your homestead... how long did it take to make your decision... how long did it take to effect your changes... did you s-l-i-d-e into homesteading while still working for others, or was it a cold-turkey sort of decision where on Tuesday you were the employee and on Friday you were the owner?

    Elizabeth Griffith Turner

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Thanks Elizabeth!
      I have quite the adventure to share! More to come!


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